Fire Training Durham

Fire Training Durham

Fire safety training for anyone in a business responsible for health and safety For the person responsible for the safety of staff in your business, understanding the latest firefighting techniques that they can employ at work, can be critical. If they haven’t had any...
Unlimited Fines for Fire Safety Breaches

Unlimited Fines for Fire Safety Breaches

Unlimited fines for those who breach fire safety regulations A new article has been published about fire safety regulations. The Government announces new regulations to boost building safety and £16 million for fire and rescue authorities. Building owners could face...
Big Announcement Number 2!…

Big Announcement Number 2!…

We are delighted to announce we have been successful in winning a tender opportunity with Sellafield Fire & Rescue to provide them with both Incident Command and Fire related training courses. This extends the already excellent working arrangements we have with...
Emergency First Aid at work can save lives

Emergency First Aid at work can save lives

Have you ever thought what would happen if someone in or out of your workplace took ill, had an accident and needed your help? The value of receiving quality training to provide a person with the tools, knowledge and understanding of what to do in the event First Aid...
IOSH certificate and NEBOSH certificate training

IOSH certificate and NEBOSH certificate training

What’s the value in Safety qualifications? The benefits of training safety qualifications within any organisation are fairly self-explanatory, as many a wise person has said, “knowledge is power”. However, it is startling to know how many businesses fail to invest in...